Digital PRwallahs LLP is a Mumbai based startup founded by Dhvani and Mohini. They offer customized PR solutions especially to startups.
We believe that every brand however big or small it is should have an outlet to promote themselves, and what better than the all inclusive digital space where all is allowed, and all are welcome. We started the company with the aim to provide the best of digital PR services at startup rates, seeing that in todays time, your promotion strategy for your product/brand or service is as important as the product/brand/service, says Dhvani.
We got an opportunity to talk with Dhvani, the co-founder of Digital PRwallahs and see what she has to say. I am sure her interview with us will inspire you.
Give a brief info about your startup?
Digital PRwallahs LLP is a digital startup based out of Mumbai where we offer specialised and tailor-made digital PR solutions to companies especially start-ups, individuals and small business owners. It started off as 2 freelancer friends working on different clients in different countries – 1 in India and 1 in UK, as one entity in November 2016. Come March 2017, PRwallahs came to life as a registered LLP – made of 2 people who want to change the scene of Digital PR in India one client at a time.
What made you start your startup and what problem does it solve?
We at PRwallahs specialize in offering digital PR services and solutions to start-ups at start-up prices. We believe that every brand however big or small it is should have an outlet to promote themselves, and what better than the all inclusive digital space where all is allowed, and all are welcome. We started the company with the aim to provide the best of digital PR services at startup rates, seeing that in todays time, your promotion strategy for your product/brand or service is as important as the product/brand/service. If your brand is not promoted well and adequately, your target audience will miss out on a great brand/product/service like yours, and having low marketing/pr budgets shouldn’t be an excuse for that. So we think, with our USP of working at start-up prices, we solve that problem.
Tell us about yourself, your previous jobs/ventures? What were you doing before this startup?
We, Mohini & I met at our first job at Perfect Relations Pvt. Ltd a PR firm based out of Mumbai where we handled clients such as Mondelez India, Singapore Airlines, Thomas Cook India, Edelweiss, Pizza Express, Burger King and many more.
Our common love for all things 90s, chai, Sarabhai made us the best of friends. Having worked in Birmingham and London respectively; both me and Mohini we always had the same vision for the future of Digital PR in India and that’s when we decided to start this company.
Where is your startup based out of? Why do you think that is the best place for you?
Our Startup is based out of Dadar, Mumbai. Having grown up in the city, we have a deep love for all things Mumbai. From our first internships to jobs, all have been in this city, and through them we have built a reliable source of networks of other PR professionals, photographers, bloggers, journalists which help us in our field of work.
Mumbai is the hub for all things be it international or national, and always has been the City of Dreams for everyone who is a part of this city, hence we prefer to stay here.
As a startup founder, what are you paranoid about? What keeps you awake at night?
The changing algorithms of Facebook & Instagram are the only things that keeps us awake these days. They are super erratic and not at all what they used to be. It’s all turning commercial with paid advertising and no organic reach. Paid advertising targets bots, and not actual people, and if a company has to generate sales/leads for their brand/product/service it needs to reach actual people with the power to either buy or use those services/products. We prefer and constantly are pushing our limits to get the best organic reach for our clients.
Who are your competitions and how are you better than them?
Honestly speaking, we do not believe that we have competitors. Infact we would love to collaborate and work with other agencies on different projects.
We are actually aiming to be a one-of-a-kind cloud agency where smaller companies or freelancers can come together with us to collaborate and work with us on different projects. We have not started off with this yet, but it is a pipe dream that we hope to achieve in the near future.
How hard is it to have a work-life balance as a startup founder and how do you manage it?
To start of with, we both have extremely understanding families and friends that have supported us and continue to do so every step of the way. So each day managing things, becomes easier.
We both are a similar breed of workaholics, where if a given task for a particular client isn’t completed, none of us go home till it’s complete. Our work-life balance pretty balanced, as we both share the load and constantly take over for each other if the need arises. It is important for us to make time for ourselves, friends and family though. But work does always come first for both of us, and we don’t mind even giving up weekends for it.
But the best part is, being founders of your own company you can decide your time-off, and most importantly having an understanding business partner is the single post important part of the success of our work- life balance.
Have you raised funding? If yes, then we would like to know the details. If no then please tell us if you are looking to raise.
No we haven’t raised funding and are currently not looking for any funding.
What’s the biggest misconception people have about you? Why do they have that? What’s the reality?
The biggest misconception people have is Digital Marketing is the same as Digital PR. No, they both are different with over-lapping mediums through which they are promoted. And another major misconception that many brands assume that having a social media account will automatically result in sales. People need to understand, social media first and foremost is a platform to raise brand awareness.
What gets you excited about this company?
The creative freedom with which we get to do things our way and on our time is the thing that excites us each day every day.
Tell us how a day in your life looks like? Your schedule for a day right from the time you get up till you hit the bed at night.
Well, it’s pretty much the same as everyone. We get up, I try to work out every alternate day & Mohini loves to swim, so she prefers to go swimming. We reach office by11am, and check what’s trending for the day on various sites, any viral memes or news we could use for any of our clients etc. Our office environment is pretty chill with 90s bollywood music playing all day long, and sometimes if we need a break or it’s a slow day, we end up having a 5 minute dance party on any Govinda song for a burst of energy! Our day usually ends by 7pm, or sometimes early or we may have a meeting with existing or potential clients, so we then head to that. If not, then we just head home and try to chill with family, catch up on favourite online shows, or sometimes meet up with some common friends for drinks or dinner!
Tell us about your team and how did you meet each other?
We, Mohini & I met at our first job at Perfect Relations Pvt. Ltd a PR firm based out of Mumbai. Apart from the both of us and few external consultants who are industry experts, and we do have interns from time to time as we both love training new talents! Our consultants/associates that work with us on projects are also people that were either a part of Perfect Relations or people we have met through friends or personal references that we have worked with in the past.
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