Meet Mitali Jakatdar she is the founder of Super Mom. We at bangalore insider got an opportunity to talk with her. It was good to get connected with her and to know her amazing story. Here are the excerpts from the conversation.
Tell us about yourself, what do you like most about your field of work?
I was born in a quaint town near Mumbai and always had a keen interest in creative things, I remember staring at the rainbow colors of the screen when TV used to be a 1-hour affair…We have surely come a long, long way 25 years later…So yes…I started my career as a Radio Jockey and as all the famous Radio Jockeys are now Bloggers (Miss Malini) I am one too…Though I don’t like calling myself that…Mompreneur or Entrepreneur seems better…
What I like most about my field of work is that…I can solve so many problems the millennial parents are facing today. They have problems but there are so many creative solutions that they don’t know about and that is the space that we are in….we just creatively package the solutions.
Your previous jobs/ventures? What were you doing before choosing this field?
I was a Radio Jockey then I moved to television and worked with channels like 9xm and UTV and moved to digital videos. I sometimes think all that experience comes in so handy today,
How did you land up doing what you do now?
We were testing some camera equipment while working in the video wing of an agency and someone told me to blabber something in front of the camera…being a new mom…mommy related info came to my mind. We made a video out of the same and it got a good response…someone suggested the name SuperMOM and it stuck…One thing led to another and I ended up doing this full-time.
If not the current profession, what would you have been?
If I had all the moneys in the world…I would have made sure that no kid in the world goes hungry or is ill-treated. I would have traveled, climbed Mt Everest and all the peaks in the world, helped women powered start-ups…etc…
If I was an average middle-class person and not in this profession….I would have been in a 9 to 5 job…or would have been an actor…(I had tried…)
What motivates you to keep going?
Kids…..My kids, other kids…I love being in this world and helping other parents is something I love.
Tell us how a day in your life looks like? Your schedule for a day right from the time you get up till you hit the bed at night.
If someone thinks that being a parent is as easy and fun as it is shown on TV….think again…I get up around 7/8 or 9 depending on my 5-month-old baby…Check Instagram…Quickly revert to emails and other stuff….If there is a product shoot or a video needs to be shot…we generally do it around mornings when my baby is fresh and the 5-year-old in a good mood. Post that I spend time with the baby, when she naps, it’s blogging, Instagramming, phone calls etc…Lunch and then time with the baby….Evenings are the time I and my kids play in the park. I am babywearing my 5-month-old so she sleeps while I finish my calls…Then its dinner time and daddy comes home…the baby has to be put to sleep…I take my dogs down for a walk…Finish Dinner…Then the elder one needs to be put down to sleep…Some adult conversations with husband…back to work. The day ends around 1/2am….with a book in my hand or a podcast.
Any regrets till now? If yes, will you like to share it with our readers?
So Yes…early in my career I was given an opportunity to be a Radio Jockey In Dubai but I had to turn it down as I had just landed a gig with UTV. I often wonder till date how life would have been if I had taken that job…That remains a regret.
If you were given a choice of meeting any person you want, who will be that person?
Leonardo Dicaprio and Christopher Nolen together…..I would want to discuss Inception
What is the biggest misconception that you think people have about you?
That I am a celebrity…I am not…Someone recently told me that they were taken aback when they saw me in person and hence they didn’t come and have a word. I love talking to people and if they think I am a celeb, they would not come and approach me so this refutes the whole thought behind SuperMOM.
Any message that you want to send to your readers?
If you have any doubts about parenting we are just an email away. We are trying to be a one-stop shop parenting solution provider so read, watch, see and communicate with us….we love the world of parenting.
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