There is no limit to what the children of India are capable of providing in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship. Several startups are established in India by students that haven’t even graduated and reached the pinnacle of success in a short period. Thus, to ensure that people recognize these talents and the innovation factor of a student, the government of India has organized Smart India Hackathons.
Well, it’s a collaboration of MHRD, AICTE, i4c and Persistent system to create this event. Every year its see’s active participation form thousands of students from all across India. The platform provides an open, innovation model for identifying disruptive technologies the solve several problems that might be faced in the country at present.
If you are looking for Smart India Hackathon details, then it’s 36 hours non-stop product development competition where the problems are proposed, and the solutions have to be curated on the spot. Such that the answers can help in several genres of issues in different sectors and have consistent implementation of the desired solution to a problem.
Benefits of Smart India Hackathon
If you think that there are no benefits that you could receive from the platform, then that’s where you are wrong. There are several benefits that you can reap from the competition. All of which are enlisted below.
- Gain a broader approach to a solution that spans several problems cost-effectively.
- Opportunity to create brand awareness nationally.
- The chance to work with the countries brightest of talents.
- Be a part of the world’s most significant open innovation movement.
- Find out of the box solutions for simple and complex problems.
Thus, the Smart India Hackathon initiative has brought about such benefits and is providing a platform where the youngest of talents can showcase what they have to offer. Every solution is tediously assessed to know how it can be implemented in day to day life.
Smart India Hackathon eligibility

While not everyone can participate, but then if you have an idea or are an innovator or entrepreneur, you can join in the competition. But then the eligibility criteria are as follows.
- Engineering students from all over India.
- Smart India Hackathon team size is restricted to 6 members with at least one female member.
- Each member should be well versed in programming skills.
- At least three teams can register in the competition form a single college.
- There should be a letterhead from the college stating the names and members of the team.
- The letterhead must and should be uploaded during the online application process, and a scanned copy of the letter should be submitted offline while registering to the competition.
Topics for Smart India Hackathon
While the issues are diverse. There are a couple of topics that are curated below that could give you the flavor of what you can expect if you ever take part in the competition.
- Smart vehicles.
- Waste management.
- Smart communications.
- Healthcare & biomedical devices.
- Agriculture & rural development.
- Security & surveillance.
- Clean water
- Misc.
Thus, the above-given topics are just a few of the many that you can expect in the competition. Often, if there are other interesting ones, you can expect those to be present in the competition.
Smart India hackathon registration process

The registration process is unique and straightforward. All of the steps are given below.
Step – 1
Register on the link or head onto the website and register there.
Step – 2
Enter the team name and college with the consent letter.
Step – 3
Submit your entry
Step – 4
There are deadlines that you might have to follow. Hence search the website to check out the important dates for the competition.
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