BankHelpline is a startup founded by Biju Seth and this startup is from Chhattisgarh whereas they have presence in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai & Kolkatta. They are into consulting, business service outsourcing, talent management solutions and entrepreneurship assistance and helping to choose the best financial products available in India.
BankHelpline is a Fintech arm of Heavy Group of companies we Heavy Group has placed a firm foot in diversified sectors, says Biju.
We at Bangalore Insider had the opportunity to catch up with Biju, the founder of BankHelpline and to know more about the startup, read his inspiring story.

Give a brief info about your startup?
We are an intelligence platform curated to help people in choosing the best financial products available in the market offered by 50+ Banks and NBFCs in India, based on their budget and convenience people can choose and apply online from one place like never before we are helping people in choosing the right financial products like we do do online shopping today!.
BankHelpline is a Fintech arm of Heavy Group of companies we Heavy Group has placed a firm foot in diversified sectors. We are into manufacturing consulting, business service outsourcing, talent management solutions and entrepreneurship assistance. With an unfailing determination and complete dedication we have made an immense progress in the past years. However, our success story is a long way to go.
What made you start your startup and what problem does it solve?
We have been into financial products distribution Industry from 2009 and we have seen many shift in financial products distribution industry from Branch direct channel to Telephonic distribution channel to Online/digital channel now, therefor we have laid the foundation of Bankhelpline so that we can disrupt the industry by Omnichannel Network. We are solving the cumbersome process of applying financial products in India.
Tell us about yourself, your previous jobs/ventures? What were you doing before this startup?
I am a second generation entrepreneur from Chhattisgarh steel city bhilai as my family is from business background therefor i never think of doing job, I have worked with Genpact India & ICICI Bank, I have done BBM and MBA from Bangalore university, I have been doing business from 6 years now initially I have started with my family business, I am helping my family business in Re branding, Developing next generation process, Integrating new edge management team etc. I think Business development is never ending process we need to integrate new strategies new blood always in the industry you are in.
Where is your startup based out of? Why do you think that is the best place for you?
We are based out of Bhilai Chhattisgarh having our presence in Bangalore Delhi Mumbai & Kolkatta, and with HEAVY KIOSK (Mini Branch) working on to have our presence in more than 250+ locations in India.
As a startup founder, what are you paranoid about? What keeps you awake at night?
Challenges & Opportunities in and around us there are so many challenges around us and i see that as an opportunities in India specially in rural part of India and i am very very passionate about entrepreneurship developing business which generate revenues from day one.
Who are your competitions and how are you better than them?
Competitions are always there in the market and that is where you should start your business, because competition creates mature market which is profitable from day one, we are integrating technological reach to cut the competition from our competitors.
How hard is it to have a work life balance as a startup founder and how do you manage it?
I believe in developing processes and processes makes business easier and reduces time and hence i can save lots of time for me with my parents. Its not hard for me i enjoy quality time with my parents as, Yes in initially days of starting up any business you need to give more time, but my family is so supportive that they take cares of me in those days.
Have you raised funding? If yes, then we would like to know the details. If no then please tell us if you are looking to raise.
No we have not raised any funds on equity, yes we are totally customer funded company. yes we welcome every opportunities which support our vision and mission.
What gets you excited about this company?
The disruption we are doing in the industry we are in with the help of our extraordinary young team, It gives me thatinspiration to work for day and night for our combined vision and mission.
Tell us how a day in your life looks like? Your schedule for a day right from the time you get up till you hit the bed at night.
I starts my day at 06:00 am with yoga and road running which helps me in getting fresh energy every day. And than I go to my work place by 10:00 am and do meetings with team and we finish of the days task at the day itself and finishes of by 07:30 pm and than I spend time with my family and friends or read books for an hour and go to sleep.

Tell us about your team and how did you meet each other?
We are 30 members team now and we meet most of my team memebrs in meetups or Coffee meetup in CCD or Indian Coffee Houses and all.
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