Covid19 has had an impact on most of the industries out there. From hospitality to manufacturing, entertainment to fitness, most of these industries are fighting for survival during this pandemic. Whereas some industries can adapt and embrace the technology, some industries cannot due to the nature of the work involved. But as we know, change is the only constant and companies and industries that do not adapt will eventually die.
Fitness is one industry which has seen a surge in the usage of technology to beat this situation and provide fitness to people wherever they are. From Zoom calls to online competitions, the fitness industry has been in the forefront of the digital revolution.
We at Bangalore Insider got in touch with some of the well known fitness experts to understand their point of view and how can one still be fit in spite of the closure of gyms and fitness centers. Here are the excerpts
Sarvesh Shashi
Founder, SARVA & Diva Yoga

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
I think the world as you know it has changed forever, the norm of social distancing, self-isolation and constantly living in caution might just be the new normal for a while which means that fewer people will be visiting fitness centers, gyms and yoga studios – this could potentially have a negative impact on the industry at large. In light of these changing trends the fitness industry has to adapt, SARVA too has pivoted its business model, we have taken all our classes online to help reach out to as many people as possible. A fit body has higher immunity, we have utilized this time to try and touch the lives of as many people as possible across the world.
A lot of our sessions are free of cost in order for us to help people through this pandemic – from building immunity, to strengthening the respiratory system to helping people relax and to calm their minds (all this is being done via our app and our social media accounts).
At a time when the world is dealing with an unprecedented situation brands will have to revisit their USPs and see how they can be impactful and relevant whilst they assist those who need them, irrelevant of one’s profit margins. I think the new norm thanks to the internet and technology will be for fitness sessions to go online, I am also of the opinion that the industry should try and provide as many free virtual sessions as possible in order to help touch as many lives as possible. This will be the new normal for the industry at least until things go back to the way they were.
Do you think the effects of Covid19 like work out from home will stay even after Covid19?
Humans are known to be very resilient and also easily adaptable. Who could have ever imagined that there would come a time where all modes of transport (rail, road & air) would come to a standstill. Who could have ever imagined that mega cities like New York, London, Sydney, Dubai, Mumbai could ever be locked down for almost two months, a few months ago this could have been unfathomable but well here we are. This just goes to show that people can easily adapt and find a way to survive through most challenges in life. In light of this I won’t be surprised if exercising from home becomes the new norm. Fitness brands will just need to access and adapt themselves in order to reach out to consumers virtually. Having said that, there are times when the presence of a physical trainer is very important especially in the case of new students/clients in order to ensure that the person is exercising correctly, breathing properly etc. In light of this I feel that in times to come fitness brands will have to find a middle ground to strike the right balance between physical and virtual training.
Kirti Yadav

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
The change is already out there. With Social distancing and lock down as the new law of the land, not only fitness industry but every other industry is changing. With gyms and fitness centres getting closed across the country, people are finding new ways to keep themselves healthy and fit. And keeping fit and healthy is no more a luxury to be enjoyed by some but the need of the hour. Fitness apps are coming up with various online webinars and so are fitness experts who are conducting webinars and FB ‘lives’ to reach out to their customers. Fitness is no more just confined to gyms and fitness centres, there is more and more concern about what we are eating.
My Venture KuKClean which spreads awareness about whole food plant based lifestyle saw a surge of requests to conduct webinars on healthy eating.
My company conducted 10 webinars in the last 21 days of lockdown period to educate people about whole-food plant-based diet and how to keep oneself healthy amidst the crisis. It also got featured in India Today
As a fitness expert/brand, what advice would you like to give to the people who are juggling among different duties like work, household chores etc.
Prioritise it & just do it! Appreciate anyone and everyone who is helping you. If we accept that doing house-hold chores like sweeping, cleaning and mopping also help in keeping oneself fit and fine, we would do these daily chores with much more enthusiasm.
These simple activities like running and playing with kids, doing deep cleaning and watering the plants do help you to lose calories. And while you burn out this way, eating healthy, homemade and less is another way to keep a track of the intake.
Make your own food with less oil and spices, enjoy raw meals at times and “FAST”! Yes, fasting is one of the best medicines to cure any disease. Distribute the work among the family members and stick to it. This is the mantra to stay happy during this pandemic.
Shraddha Shetg
Gold’s Gym

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
As people have more time in their hand due to the lock down, more people are working out from home, which is a positive behavioral pattern .
As a fitness expert/brand, what advice would you like to give to the people who are juggling among different duties like work, household chores etc.
In a hectic life, it’s imperative to engage in any form of workout for improving mental tenacity, physical strength and improve immunity.
Kunal Jessani
Kunal Jessani’s Dance Academy

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
The change has already started. Clients are accepting and adjusting to virtual sessions, companies are offering various options of classes/ workouts. Even though online sessions and workouts existed earlier, the covid19 situation has opened it up widely as everyone who wants to workout as no other option. So I think this will lead to more virtual platforms in the fitness industry. I also think it will give rise to companies like ‘Tonal’ – they have a home gym setup with just one major equipment that fits on a wall and you can do all your weight training with it.
Of course nothing beats an in person session, but once you understand body movement and maintain the right form, you are capable of doing it on your own
Do you think the effects of Covid19 like work out from home will stay even after Covid19?
For sure, but to an extent. There will always be a set of people who want to workout in the dedicated workout space and use that time to connect with their gym/ class buddies. Also, people who generally do a heavy workout need to use multiple equipments, that’s difficult to set up at home, financial aspects being another factor for the same.
Paramita Singh
Parami Nutrition and Yoga

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
Definitely fitness industry mainly gyms and fitness studios have been hit due to Covid19. On the other hand fitness industry has got lot of exposure during this pandemic and this has led to a digital revolution in the industry. People now have an option to work on their health from wherever they are. Industry experts are coming up with various ways to connect to their existing and new clients. The whole situation has created more awareness about fitness and it’s importance in the long term.
As a fitness expert/brand, what advice would you like to give to the people who are juggling among different duties like work, household chores etc.
It is very important to prioritise your health over anything else. Even devoting 20 mins daily for some stretching and mindfulness would be enough. Eating and sleeping on time will calibrate your biological clock and you will become more active.
Azhar Ali Sayed

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
This is one of the industries amongst others which will see a massive change in the dynamics and consumer behaviour. Right from the gym/fitness centre owners, trainers, training institutes, equipment manufacturers, apps/portals, supplement industry to name a few. Hygiene was once used to be a USP for few gyms/fitness centres. Now gyms wont survive if good hygiene is not practised which will lead to an increase in their already high operational expenses. Number of people occupying the gym in a given hour, the usage and closely placed equipments to maximise the space, will be a concern to address. Gyms will need to leverage upon technology to utilise their premises and reach a larger audience. There will be a tremendous surge in sale of home based workout equipments like resistance bands, lighter dumbbells etc as more and more people have realised the importance of owning them. Trainers will need to learn and adapt to technology and workouts which can be performed with minimal equipments and institutes will need to see how well trainers are prepared for the same.
Do you think the effects of Covid19 like work out from home will stay even after Covid19?
Firstly we need to accept it, if not the fear of Covid19 is here to stay even after Covid19. So home workouts are definitely here to stay for various reasons: 1) People will refrain from public places like fitness centres specially those with low hygiene, group classes in person etc even after Covid19 due to the high risk of contamination 2) People have been financially hit to some extent and might not want to invest in offline memberships due to cost factor as home workouts are relatively economical 3) For many people the routine has gone for a toss and access/convenience of home workouts come handy 4) Many of those who never went to a fitness centre have also tried their home workouts and found it to be fun. 5) Even for trainers/centres it has opened up a new avenue which if marketed well can do wonders.
Akshita –

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
It’s going to be a breakthrough for the industry as all the more people across the globe are looking to get healthier than ever before in the comfort of their homes. Whether it is Instagram live, Facebook live or offering virtual private or group classes, people are motivated than ever before to take their fitness to the next level. Online apps and courses are going to flourish. It’s about time the wellness industry goes digital and keeps people moving daily.
As a fitness expert/brand, what advice would you like to give to the people who are juggling among different duties like work, household chores etc.
Living in a joint family along with being a mother and a homemaker myself, self care is of paramount importance to me. When I am on my mat in the morning, it is my scared space that I do not allow anybody else to encroach upon.
I start my day early so that I can recharge myself with my morning rituals like sun bathing, warm water, vippasana and my Ashtanga yoga practice before it’s time to attend other responsibilities throughout the day.
It keeps me grounded, energetic & allows me to respond rather than react to the daily demands of life.
Afreen Khan
Fitness Expert

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
It will make people more aware of the importance of health and immunity building. People will understand that health isn’t a luxury. It should be treated as a priority because that’s what defines your course of life. I think we will see more people joining gyms and other fitness related coaching once the lockdown eases.
Do you think the effects of Covid19 like work out from home will stay even after Covid19?
Yes, I feel so because right now it’s been long enough that people have formed healthy habits and working out at home, is a blessing that many had just not explored earlier. So even after Covid19, I feel they will stick to these newly formed habits and discipline of healthy lifestyle.
Rishi Jaggi

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
Being a nutritionist and exercise physiologist I think its gonna do harm to all the gym chains in terms of money and people will be afraid to go to gyms because of Covid19 untill the vaccination is being discovered, its gonna hit the economy of fitness industry badly so gym owners have to bear losses. If we talk about trainers, they don’t have any earnings right now and they are dependent on online training but after Covid19, the fitness industry will get a boom because people now will realize that health is important and they will join gyms and it will get profitable after Covid19
As a fitness expert/brand, what advice would you like to give to the people who are juggling among different duties like work, household chores etc.
- Make sure your sleep is on point.
- Make sure you are consuming enough protein according to your body weight.
- Make sure you are hydrating yourself well.
- Make sure you don’t have any micronutrient deficiency (eat more green veggies in each meal, 2-3 servings of fruits).
- Try to manage your stress, do meditation.
- Take sunlight exposure daily for 25 mins.
- Wipe out all the junk food from your home and surround yourself with nuts and fruits.
- Eat small meals during your work.
Dr. Kruti Khemani
Continuum Physiotherapy & Rehab

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
Pre Covid the fitness industry relied on people actually attending their workout sessions with someone. Be it with a personal trainer or in a supervised group session. This did not allow social distancing and there were no worries about any sort of contagion of microorganisms during workouts (ofcourse unless people were sick whilst working out and spread germs like the influenza or common cold). Post Covid, the biggest issue will be the potential for the virus to spread through touch and also through being less than 6 feet distance from another person. In a gym, during peak hours for working out, there are enough people to not allow the norms of social distancing to be followed.
Additionally, every equipment used by a potential carrier will become a point of contagion and will need to be sanitized after every use. The fitness industry will need proper processes and procedures in place to ensure and assure its patrons that they are taking every measure to prevent the spread of the disease within all premises.
This would be the case until we have a complete resolution to the issues at hand.
Do you think the effects of Covid19 like work out from home will stay even after Covid19?
Absolutely, working out from home will and should become a norm after Covid. The first reason being, you will help reduce the risk of spreading the virus by attending the gym/centre less frequently. Secondly, it has made us all aware that working out from home is possible and equally effective through the right kind of guidance virtually too. Of course for those who don’t have a choice to workout at home due to lack of space or equipment, or those within competitive sport, will choose to restart their gym visits. But there would be no harm in incorporating home based sessions when possible until we have a full resolution of the issue at hand. The positive side to the way the world will change here on, is that people will hopefully become far conscious of their overall health and well being. And the best way to fight any disease and built immunity is to exercise. So without a doubt the fitness industry is what people will turn towards, but in newer and safer ways.
Abhijeeth Singh
Fitness Expert

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
It will be the most occupied place after lockdown is done. People just want to remove the stress what they have and what better place would you find other than a gym.
As a fitness expert/brand, what advice would you like to give to the people who are juggling among different duties like work, household chores etc.
My advice for people is to make some changes in their food routine and try to eat nutritional balanced diet foods to keep their immune system healthy. And to take out 45 mins of their time to workout.
Daniella Gomes
Get Fit with Daniella
How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
It has definitely thrown a lot of light on online workouts and I can see this trend carrying on even post Covid19. Many have started making time for their workouts now.
As a fitness expert/brand, what advice would you like to give to the people who are juggling among different duties like work, household chores etc.
Time management is important. It is important to prioritise, especially now with less help and more household chores left to the family. It is important to think of it this way – not that you don’t have time for something, but it’s whether or not you are going to make time for it. And right now fitness is important especially to maintain/ increase you immunity as we are stuck at home without much outside contact.
KKIPAA Dance and Fitness Academy

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
The virus will impact the industry in two ways: 1) How we as individuals see and understand fitness. And here I expect the virus will give us a new perspective on fitness and immunity outside of being thin or fat 2) How the sector will operate, especially since fitness is primarily carried out in groups. For example, sports centres, gymnasiums, or even dance classes. While the former (point 1) will help us solve real fitness needs and problems and work with individuals towards building long term health, its the latter where the return to such places will be delayed. Even when it takes place, there are several aspects of hygiene to consider beyond social distancing – air circulation and overall hygiene will be primary factors in determining the success or failure
Do you think the effects of Covid19 like work out from home will stay even after Covid19?
It’s too early to say whether this will become a permanent reality, but going by early trends, people are adapting to tech-based fitness regimes quite well. I have moved all our scheduled dance and fitness classes online. The youngsters take to it immediately, while the older ones need to be guided a bit more on technology. For the future, for us, it certainly saves time, we don’t add to pressure on roads with traffic, and we can actually carry out more simultaneous training sessions without worrying about distance, hygiene etc. But for some techniques and methods, you do need actual contact and I think and hope, that the future will be a balance of both digital solutions and limited offline contact
Gaurhav Sharrma
Fitness Expert

How do you think Covid19 will change the fitness industry?
It is adversely effecting it as clients and trainer’s touch is missing because they are far from each other.
As a fitness expert/brand, what advice would you like to give to the people who are juggling among different duties like work, household chores etc.
Try to do your household work as the workout and enjoy every bit of it. Don’t eat too much.