Cycling has become the staple exercise for many people in the city of Bangalore as it helps them to remain fit and fine. But then for many that fail to own a cycle, they can rent out cycles from other dealers. But having to rent out from dealers meant that they had to drop the cycle back to the dealer with the prices being high, Zoom car lead venture “Pedl” came into existence and it sure did come in with a bang.

But like anything that starts of with a bang, doesn’t necessarily have to be sustainable. Zoom car pedl Bangalore pulled the plug from the company in December last year. Well, it came as a surprise, but then the various factor that leads to this is as follows.
Death of Pedl
Quality and service
Pedl Bangalore location spans in several different areas. But then pulling the plug from the company was the aftermath for the quality of the cycles in general.

They were not up to the mark and keeping their serviced indeed posed quite some threats to the company, and there wasn’t anyone that would maintain that large number of cycles. The overall design and structure of the cycle certainly poised several issues to the company, and thus they decide to not go ahead with the venture.
The competition for Pedl cycles in Bangalore was undoubtedly a challenging market. Several competitors were offering way cheaper cycles but for a fraction of the cost what Pedl offered. No doubt they covered rides of more than 3 million people. But then companies such as Yulu, bounce, Ola, Ofo and many more have dominated the place and ensured that the cycle industry wouldn’t go in vain.

Ola entered the car rental service and is giving zoom car a tough time through its Car rental service which has seen pilot runs in Bangalore. Thus, it’s evident that concentrating on the primary business and ensuring that it gets them a more significant deal of success and then start with Pedl might seem the way the company is planning on going.
Though the company started with a bang in the city of Bangalore, scaling the business to where they could wish to have wasn’t feasible. While the quality of the cycles posed a significant threat to the company, it served another problem in getting the right cycles to help people cycle their way in the city.

Hence, due to this, they pulled the plug, and the venture was put to hold which undoubtedly caused the company to go back to the drawing and designing boards and try to come back with something new to ensure that the company succeeds the next time when they are back sometime in the future.
Hence, there were several other factors, such as scalability and the cycles themselves. But the company has promised that they would be back soon and with a bang once again. Till then availing services of other cycle providers is the way to move ahead.
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